The sound evaluation uses three domains: the soundstage, the sonic performance, and the record performance.

"Soundstage" of an acoustical recording (Wikipedia definition)
The term soundstage refers to the depth and richness of an audio recording and usually relates to the playback process. According to audiophiles, the quality of the playback is very much dependent upon how one is able to pick out different instruments, voices, vocal parts, and such exactly where they are located on an imaginary 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional field. The quality of this soundstage can enhance not only the listener's involvement in the recording, but also their overall perception of the stage.

In this magazine, the soundstage integrates two key criteria : stereo image and sound depth.

1- Stereo image
The stereo image defines the left and right position of instruments and voices in the space.

2- Sound Depth

The sound depth image defines the front and rear position of instruments and voices in the space.

Use Case:

Sonic performance

This feature aims to determine the sound performance of an album. To do this, three criteria are used: type of sound, instruments perception, and sound quality.
1- Type of sound
This criteria determines the sonic signature for voice and instruments between a totally acoustic sound (natural and warm) and a digital sound (artificial and cold).
2- Perception
This criteria determines the perception of the instruments and/or voice(s) when listening. The instruments can be very separated from each other or very mixed together.
3- Sound quality
This criteria determines the sound quality. The sound of the album has much presence, or it is totally flat.

Record performance
This feature aims to determine the record performance of an album. To do this, three criteria are used: production quality, record quality, and type of recording.
1 - Production quality
This criteria determines the production quality.
2 - Quality record
This criteria determines the record quality (clean or dirty)
3- Type of record
This criteria determines if it's a studio or a live recording

This  criteria determines the overall value of the album in an audiophile perspective