About me...

I discovered music with the album Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd at the age of 10. The rest of my musical journey goes something like this:

My first turntable: 14 years old. Made by Phillips, wwoooww...
My first album bought: The Wall - Pink Floyd
My first amplifier: a Marantz integrated amplifier with a gold front panel (1981 ... ouch!)
My best music memory : Love to love you baby - Donna Summer (do not ask me why ....)
My fondest musical memory :  the sound of the old Telefuken tube radio of my grandfather. Incredible !
My preferred music label : Fidelio (René, you're the best sound engineer in north america)
My biggest frustration: A recording mastered for an iPod (pleaseeeee don’t do that !)
My wet dream : a Harley ride with the Tube’s Queen : Eve Anna Manley...Grrrr


An assessment of the sound quality of a recording involves listening to it with a HI-FI audio system. Here's the setup I used for listening:

Speaker: Reference 3A - Grand Veena
Preamp: Shengya - CS-6 full balanced tube
Amplifier: Shengya - PSM-300 monoblock Pure Class A
Dac: Xindak - Dac-8 Tube DAC
Cables: Nordost, Sitech
Source: Apple Lossless (ALAC) File

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